

In 2023, training through YamApp accounted for 46.4% of total hours without considering the New Skills Fund project.

YamApp’s big change in 2023 was the launch of on-boarding paths for new store employees. They consist of short, effective video clips covering two key topics, to allow new hires to get an initial understanding of the Yamamay world:

  • The main Basic Lines and
  • Communication and sales techniques

This project responded to the specific need expressed by the territory – and, in particular, by District Managers – to have an immediate and flexible tool available that would allow new hires to immediately immerse themselves in the world of the Yamamay store and focus on the Brand’s priorities within its stores. The training paths provide information on how to present oneself in the store, how to assist customers during the sale, how to communicate the main values ​​of the Brand, as well as in-depth knowledge of the best-selling basic lines.

During 2023, the Company replicated the success of the previous year by organising the YamApp Championship. All resources got the chance to test themselves by participating in and launching quiz challenges to members of the opposing teams. The final of the YamApp Championship was held during the Company Christmas event, followed by the award ceremony for the winning team. Each team member received an amount to be used for welfare services. To improve the usability of YamApp, several improvements were made to the system in 2024, including the creation of a dedicated app and the implementation of a single login system. 

In 2023, Yamamay was officially recognised as a “learning friendly company” thanks to its candidacy for the “SkillMatch Award”. This prestigious recognition, created as part of the “CROSS-BORDER SKILL (MIS)MATCHING” project, aims to reward companies operating in the Lombardy area, which distinguish themselves for their sensitivity and commitment in the field of training, confirming Yamamay’s commitment to promoting the development of its employees’ skills. The award ceremony, held in Bellinzona, Switzerland, was a major opportunity for the Yamamay team to participate in a round table discussion and share experiences and ideas in the field of training. The main objective for 2024 is to renew the Yamacademy, enriching it with new content (20 modules) and ensuring maximum flexibility thanks to the use of digital tools. 


The percentage of active/inactive users remains in line with 2022 and does not show any increase or decrease. However, in 2023, active users at the headquarters increased by 4%, confirming the effectiveness of the gaming contest adopted on site. “At risk” users are those who have not completed any training on YamApp. 

YamApp’s retention rate stands at the same values ​​ as in 2022, therefore equal to 78%, and confirms that active users utilise the courses on a regular basis. 

User consistency, on the other hand, increased by 4%, equal to 85%. Accuracy, i.e. the number of participants’ average correct answers, increased by 5% compared to 2022, to reach 82%. 

The effectiveness of test outs, therefore accuracy at the end of the course, which is usually higher than the average accuracy, also increased by 1% compared to the previous year. Therefore 86% of users demonstrate that they are prepared upon completion of the course.

Training level of active users

Training level of active users

2023 numbers


Training hours provided


Training sessions carried out


Users registered on the platform

7 h e 48 m

Average training time per active user


Average number of sessions per active user

3 m e 2 s

Average completion time per session