Sustainable Challenges

The economic value generated and distributed therefore represents a company’s ability to reinvest part of the economic value generated through its business activities among its stakeholders, thus measuring its impact on the community in which it operates and along the entire value chain.

In 2023, Yamamay generated an economic value of €34.3 million, while the economic value distributed amounted to €30.8 million.

Unlike the previous two years, the added value retained by the Company is positive and stands at €3,573.09 thousand. It is useful to underline that the added value distributed has continued to grow over the last three years: compared to the previous year, a growth of almost 10% was recorded.

Distribution of added value 

Determination of Added Value
(in thousands of €)
Revenues from sales and services117,609138,945144,684
Other revenues and income6,8899,8298,884
Financial income0.461.125.15
Value of production124,498148,775153,574
Less external costs-90,221-128,963-109,234
Raw and ancillary materials, consumables and goods-45,008-73,838-54,327
Use of third-party assets-19,588-23,193-26,420
Provisions for risks-300-570-309
Miscellaneous operating costs-2,347-2,451-1,978
Change in inventories of raw and ancillary materials, consumables and goods-49018,029-66
Exchange profits (losses)-5381,89745
Gross Added Value30,60336,71742,032
Amortization, depreciation and write-downs-12,769-9,653-8,897
Net Added Value17,83427,06433,135


Breakdown of Added Value
(in thousands of €)
Generated Net Added Value (A)17,83427,06433,135
Distributed Added Value (B)20,49627,99930,735
of which to employees (salaries, wages, charges, severance pay, costs for personnel services)19,54395%24,30487%25,49683%
of which to Lenders (interest on debt)1,4777%2,5679%3,91812,8%
of which to Shareholders0.000%0.000%8002.6%
of which to Public Administrations (direct and indirect taxes, and fees)-612-3%9763%320-1%
of which to Communities (contributions and sponsorships)890%1511%2010.6%
Added Value retained in the Company (A-B)-2,662-9343,041

Distributed added value

valore aggiunto e distribuito

Our Stakeholders and the Materiality Matrix

We have identified 10 groups of stakeholders which can influence our business decisions and the achievement of our objectives and which can allow us to identify the risks to be avoided and the opportunities to be exploited. Through their involvement, we conducted our materiality analysis to identify the sustainability aspects relevant to the sustainability matrix.



CONSUMERS AND CUSTOMERSStores, e-commerce, social media, brand reputation surveys, questionnaires, Corporate WebsitePositive purchasing experience, Product quality, Transparent communication
EMPLOYEESTraining courses, Intranet, Annual meeting with Ambassador, Climate surveys, periodic individual meetings, surveys, Welfare platform, Green Trend Review, YamappInformation on strategies and financial results of the Group, Clarity of objectives and evaluation system, Training and professional development, Initiatives for employee well-being, health and safety, Equal opportunities
SUPPLIERSDedicated platform for collecting environmental, social, and human rights data from suppliers, Audits, QC, Yamamay staff inspections, Corporate Website, Manufacturing AgreementContinuity in supply, Compliance with contractual conditions, Business visibility and development (new partnerships)
FRANCHISEESAffiliation contract, Training meetings, Collection presentations, YamappClarity on sales strategies, Profit, Trust relationship, Visibility, Punctuality in sending goods
TRADE ASSOCIATIONSWorking groups, lobbying, webinars, governance body positionSynergies on sustainability issues
SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY AND UNIVERSITIESWebinars, conferences, testimonials, partnerships, social media, Corporate Website, technical tablesVisibility, Partnerships, common projects, synergies on sustainability issues
NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONSMeetings, event organization, Corporate WebsiteVisibility, partnerships, volunteering initiatives, synergies on sustainability issues
INSTITUTIONS AND LOCAL COMMUNITYWebinars, working groups, technical tables, direct contacts, webinars, interviews, governance body position, support on social and governance issuesSynergies on sustainability issues
NEW GENERATIONSClassroom events, activation of internships and traineeshipsCollaborations on sustainability issues, employment
MEDIAInterviews, sponsorships, online and offline advertising campaigns, social media, event organizationTransparent communication


Double materiality analysis


To prepare its 2023 Sustainability Report, Yamamay used the materiality matrix published in the 2022 Sustainability Report and updated in March 2023. 

In addition, Yamamay has decided to also include the outside-in perspective into the materiality analysis, in line with the concept of double materiality envisaged by the new European CSRD Directive. This perspective integrates the evaluation of financial impacts within the analysis, therefore also taking into consideration external effects that could influence the organisation’s results and performance.



Yamamay’s Sustainability Plan

Yamamay’s ambitious Sustainability Plan, currently being defined and drafted, is based on five key pillars, outlining a roadmap towards more responsible and eco-friendly corporate management.

The Sustainability Plan will be closely tied to the 2025-28 Business Plan, which is currently in the process of being drafted.