Movopack and Yamamay

Responsible packaging

Since 2023, Yamamay has begun a collaboration with Movopack, a company specialised in the production of sustainable and eco-friendly packaging solutions. Movopack offers Yamamay the unique opportunity to integrate the packaging of its products with an engaging unboxing experience for customers. Once the Movopack packaging has been received, returning it is simple and convenient, as the customer simply needs to place it into any mailbox.

Once returned, the Company looks after sanitising and sending the packaging back to Yamamay, so that it can be reused. This approach not only reduces the environmental impact linked to the use of disposable packaging, but also promotes a more sustainable and responsible consumption practice. 


Movopack and Yamamay are closely collaborating on the frontier of sustainable innovation in packaging: reuse. The current packaging consumption model is purely disposable: packaging is produced with the aim of being used only once, inevitably becoming waste. Movopack was founded precisely with the aim of bending this linear consumption flow by creating a circular model. With Yamamay, we have brought this innovation to the world of swimwear. The work started together is a true revolution in the sector: each Yamamay & Movopack packaging reduces the amount of packaging that ends up in the landfill or is dispersed on our planet. Movopack and Yamamay’s common approach to sustainability was clear from the very first meetings, in which we began to conceive how to implement Movopack packaging within the Yamamay world. The Yamamay & Movopack packaging was inspired by a mural found at the Company’s headquarters, which depicts an exotic nature that the project aims to defend. The first results are already quite exciting, with almost 25% of consumers returning the packaging for future use.

This allows us to reduce the environmental impact of packaging by up to 75% in terms of CO2 emissions, water and energy consumption. A fundamental aspect of the Movopack circular packaging system is that each unreturned packaging takes on a life of its own within the everyday life of consumers, being used for different purposes, thus contributing to reducing the environmental impact of the sector.

Looking to the future, we are working to extend the audience of consumers to whom this packaging will be supplied, for example as was the case in September 2023 for the RS21 World Sailing Championships and in March 2024 on the occasion of World Water Day. We are also studying other applications in which a circular packaging system can be used within the Yamamay world. The Movopack team is happy to work together with the Yamamay team to reduce the amount of disposable packaging and to drastically improve the environmental impact of the packaging sector. To achieve this important objective, it is essential to play an educational role towards consumers alongside international brands like Yamamay.” 

Tomaso Torriani Movopack CEO & Founder  


The first Yamamay order shipped with Movopack packaging dates back to August 2023: since then, the Company has started to constantly monitor the data relating to this type of packaging in order to have an updated picture at all times. At the end of the year the number of e-commerce orders shipped with Movopack was 2,169, equal to 6.7% of all online orders.

The available data shows that the average order total of customers who choose delivery in a Movopack bag is 6% higher than delivery with standard packaging.

However, this figure varies depending on the region, with fluctuations from -7.7% (Basilicata) to +6.3% (Trentino).

Movopack packaging is available in four sizes: S, M, L and XL. Since the beginning of the collaboration, a total of 8,193 Movopack packagings have been used. The most requested format is medium (approximately 54% of the total). This is followed by the small (36%), large (8%) and extra-large (2%) formats. The average return rate was 21.5% and varied significantly depending on the format chosen by the customer. The larger packaging formats, in fact, recorded a return rate of 55%, while for the others the value fluctuated between 18% (small format) and 23% (medium and large formats).

