Energy efficiency process of the headquarters: actions taken 2021-2023


To maximise the energy efficiency of its corporate offices, Yamamay has implemented several innovative solutions over the years. In particular, during 2023, the project to improve the efficiency of the air conditioning system of the Gallarate headquarters was completed, as part of a more extensive project started in 2021 and which included:


ghg emissions

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are one of the main causes of global climate change. These gases – which include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) – trap heat in the atmosphere, causing temperatures to rise globally. This phenomenon leads to devastating consequences, including warming of the oceans, melting of the polar ice, rising sea levels and accentuation of extreme weather events such as storms, floods and droughts. Faced with this climate emergency, the reduction of GHG emissions has become a key priority for Yamamay. 

In fact, reducing emissions not only helps slow climate change, but can also protect and preserve fragile ecosystems, improve public health and promote long-term economic security. 

Yamamay, in collaboration with a specialised external partner, has for several years adopted a proactive approach in monitoring atmospheric emissions generated by its business activities and direct and indirect energy consumption. The methodology used to calculate these emissions was developed in line with the GHG Protocol Standard, thus guaranteeing a rigorous and universally recognised approach. 

In addition, the methodology takes into account the entire Yamamay value chain, not only analysing the emission impacts of the Company’s direct activities, but also those upstream and downstream of its value chain. This holistic approach allows Yamamay to accurately and comprehensively evaluate its greenhouse gas emissions, identifying the critical areas in which to intervene to reduce the overall environmental impact of its business activities.


Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions (ton CO2 eq)












Scope 1 emissions 







Scope 2 emissions 







Total scope 1 and 2 emissions







Scope 3 emissions (excluding use phase)







Total scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions







The Scope 1 emissions for 2021 and 2022 are not comparable with the 2023 data, as they do not include the natural gas consumption of the corporate cafeteria. The same is true for Scope 2 emissions, which do not include the data associated with the Chinese YingLi Yang subsidiary and direct stores abroad. The 2022 Scope 1 and 2 emissions were recalculated to include the offices of the Chinese YingLi Yang subsidiary and direct stores abroad.

During 2023, a refinement of the Scope 3 calculation methodology was carried out by increasing the use of primary data compared to the previous year, in order to ensure rigorous data reporting. In 2022, as the first year of adoption of the calculation, a full disclosure of the results was not made for accuracy and reliability reasons. 

Scope 3 GHG emissions are the most relevant category (97%) for the Company. In addition, it was decided to exclude category 11 of the product use phase from the total emissions calculation. The latter is a category outside of Yamamay’s control, which is limited to product washing and maintenance instructions to guarantee proper handling of the garments sold and optimisation of their useful life. Compared to 2022 the reduction in emissions, excluding the use phase, was equal to 17%, with Scope 3 emissions accounting for 95% of the total. 

Yamamay’s emissions intensity is equal to 2.6 kg of CO2e per piece sold.

  • Scope 1: Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are those directly generated by an organisation’s activities. They are under the direct control of the organisation and their reduction is often a priority for companies seeking to mitigate their contribution to climate change and adopt more sustainable practices. Scope 1 emissions represent 0.3% of total emissions (0.6% excluding the use phase). It can therefore be inferred that they are not relevant for Yamamay and are directly attributable to the consumption of the Company’s headquarters and stores and of company cars. In 2023, they increased by 43%, an increase attributable to the topping up of F-GAS in shops, a procedure that does not occur every year, and to the inclusion of the gas consumption by the company cafeteria. 
  • Scope 2 (Market Based): Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions refer to the indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with an organisation’s purchase and consumption of electricity, steam, heat or refrigeration. These emissions mainly arise from the production of energy by external suppliers, which provide electricity or other forms of energy to the company and are therefore classified as indirect since they do not derive directly from the organisation’s activities, but are associated with the use of energy resources necessary to carry out its operations. 
    In 2023, Yamamay saw a reduction of 28% in Scope 2 emissions due to the renewable energy purchase policy pursued by the Company, thanks to which it purchased 50% of its electricity needs in Italy (headquarters and direct stores) from renewable sources (95% wind, 6% solar) through the purchase of guarantees of origin. Scope 2 accounts for 2.2% of Yamamay’s total emissions (4% excluding the use phase).
  • Scope 3: Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions are those that result from an organisation’s activities, but are indirect and not directly under its control. These emissions are primarily associated with activities across the organisation’s entire value chain, including suppliers, customers and the end use of the Company’s products or services. They are responsible for the indirect environmental impact generated by the organisation’s activities outside its direct boundaries. In 2023, Yamamay primarily aimed at refining the calculation in order to have a base year on which to set reduction objectives. 
    During this year’s Scope 3 calculation procedures, an error was found in the Category 14 calculation for 2022 which increased Yamamay’s Scope 3 emissions last year by 7%. 
    Scope 3, as previously stated, accounts for the majority of corporate emissions. Having excluded category 11, the reduction in Scope 3 was 17%. Moreover, the purchase of goods and services (62%), franchising (15%) and downstream transport (10%) are the categories with the most impact in terms of emissions.


  • Category 1: accounts for the majority of corporate emissions, mainly due to the purchase of textile raw materials and the consumption of resources during production processes. Less significant but still present are emissions attributable to the purchase of packaging, visual material, furniture and services. In order to reduce the emissions attributed to this category, it is essential for Yamamay to choose materials with a reduced impact and cutting-edge suppliers that can implement efficient production processes. To this end, the Company has adopted a plan for purchasing sustainable and innovative products and aims to draw up a list of Preferred Materials for the creation of its garments. Suppliers, on the other hand, are evaluated, with the help of a platform, on 6 sustainability areas. The platform is also used to collect primary data useful for calculation purposes. A further reduction action consists of the optimisation of the visual material purchasing plan to decrease the quantity purchased.
  • Category 14: accounts for the emissions of franchised shops, which are autonomous in the management of utilities and as well as personnel. Since 2024, franchisees have been involved through a questionnaire aimed at monitoring the energy consumption of the affiliated stores, the results of which led to the identification of some best practices. During the year, the Company will continue the engagement process started in 2024, also thanks to the dissemination and promotion of the guidelines defined by the environmental policy. 
  • Category 9: includes emissions directly related to the transport of products purchased from the store to the consumer’s home, in ways not known to the Company. As is the case for Category 11, the emissions associated with this last category cannot be mitigated through direct actions by Yamamay.