This third Sustainability Report expresses Yamamay’s desire to disclose – in the best possible way and in the most truthful manner – its interests in corporate social responsibility, understood as a vocation to innovation and progress, narrating the concrete actions we are putting in place to create new value.
Dear Stakeholders,
this third Sustainability Report expresses Yamamay’s desire to disclose – in the best possible way and in the most truthful manner – its interests in corporate social responsibility, understood as a vocation to innovation and progress, narrating the concrete actions we are putting in place to create new value.
The 2021 Sustainability Report is a document that reports on the brand – and no longer on the Group as in past editions – and is based on the responsibility that we continuously put into our actions and in relation to the objectives defined.
With the awareness that we are sailing in troubled waters, having lost many of our previous certainties in the wake of the globalisation crisis, we are committed to being early and proactive adopters of the actions necessary to make the future better and our Company strong and long-lived. The rapidly changing social, environmental and geopolitical context has brought to life existing critical issues that are driving us towards a pragmatic and planned change. This, to be able to achieve that dual environmental and digital transition, without falling in the trap of only following an ideological approach, far from productive and social interests. This way of evolving has allowed us to develop different solutions and an increasingly greater determination in achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
To draw links between the reading of this document and the accounting data, where innovation and future growth go hand in hand with detailed investment forecasts, we have anchored ourselves to the materiality of the information and its relevance. Sustainability therefore represents one of the determining factors of the value we want to generate. It enhances our development and innovation potential, impacting all drivers and encompassing the four perspectives on which our narrative and measurements are based: governance, product, people and planet.
We live in a historical era in which our programmes and our promises concerning an ethical vision and shared values must be firmly anchored, especially if we seek an open and transparent dialogue with the new generations and the increase of our market shares through the appreciation of our stakeholders. who have the same interests as us. We must do it with renewed coherence and clarity to accelerate the development path, first and foremost internally within the company through cultural changes and the creation of new capabilities, and then externally, involving the highest number of stakeholders towards our brand, and in particular suppliers and consumers. In order to create new processes to systematically collect the quantitative and qualitative information needed to improve ourselves, we focused a great deal of our time in 2021 and at the beginning of 2022 carefully studying the existing context. Because there is no structured improvement action that does not start from knowledge and measurements which, in turn, must be narrated through constant feeds across all communication channels and through the people who make up our community.
I hope that what we have proudly achieved in 2021 will constitute a solid basis for continuing to move forward in the transformation that, in our industrial sector, is characterised by the great challenge of the change from the linear to the circular economy. To be successful in this transition, we need to embrace new paradigms where everything has changed. This allows us to first take a good look at ourselves and then at that different future that awaits us, consisting of attention to the impacts of our actions, protection of nature, happiness of the human being and a great deal of collaboration. And, also, of observing and studying nature with different eyes, because the planning of resource management and our survival depend on it.
In fact, it is no coincidence that we are passionate about exploring the sea and the environmental changes taking place: we have thus learned how, where and what to look for to inspire ourselves as a company and to promote a quick change in perspective for a new creativity paradigm.
Happy reading,
Barbara Cimmino
Head of CSR and Innovation